Community Stories

Sharing our stories can be part of a healthy grieving process and may provide a creative outlet for our grief.

The Story platform is a comment-free safe space to share without the fear of judgement.

Grief is Love
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

Grief is Love

I can’t recall a moment where I didn’t know grief, from my earliest memories until the present time. When I was 5 years old, I had a crush on a boy at my daycare. We used to play together every day we were there. One day, I was told by my babysitter that he wouldn’t be coming back. I overheard the adults talking about how he had died in a fire. I felt such a sadness, knowing that our time together had ended.

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My Roots on the Graveyard Hill
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

My Roots on the Graveyard Hill

My father was born in a very small village where the entire village has the same last name Huang, and since the village was not very populated, everyone was very familiar with each other, just like a family. It is said that the first person with the surname Huang who died in the village was buried on that hill a long time ago, and after that, all the Huangs in the village were buried there after they passed away. My father used to tell me that when he grew old, he wanted to be buried on that hill because it was where his roots were.

Yiru H.

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Death Drawings
Olivia Monopoli Olivia Monopoli

Death Drawings

Grief looks different for everyone. Everyone reacts to grief differently. For me, I draw. I draw to feel like I’m doing something to help. I draw to show I care. I draw to grieve.

Elaina L.

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When a parent hasn’t made any arrangements…
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

When a parent hasn’t made any arrangements…

Malory shares her frustration about her mother not wanting to discuss any end-of-life plans. Along with her siblings, Malory worries that her lack of planning will make a difficult situation way harder than it needs to be… and she’s right!

Malory M.

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Talking to my young daughter about death
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

Talking to my young daughter about death

Explaining the concept of mortality to my young daughter is so complex and triggering, but it becomes even more intricate when as a parent, I’m confronted with the anxiety of leaving my child alone in this wild world.

Tara Z.

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Some angels have wings, others have paws
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

Some angels have wings, others have paws

Earlier today, I left the veterinarian’s office with Bella's collar in one hand and her empty pet carrier in the other.

I’m currently in denial of this entering into this new reality… of entering into a post-Bella era. I know the world will keep on turning; but my world is going to be at a standstill for a while.

Chad B.

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What I learned losing my mother-in-law
Penny Waugh Penny Waugh

What I learned losing my mother-in-law

I had the honor of helping care for my mother-in-law, Wanda, for the last few years of her life. She was a remarkable, resilient woman who taught me many lessons about both life and death. 

Susan R.

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Writing a story about grief.

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